New Website

If you've found this blog you've found my new website! I'll use it keep you up-to-date with what I'm up to, share some of the work in progress, and probably review the odd album and upcoming gigs from other musicians I like (because what I love about music - and particularly folk music - is how everyone supports each other). I'll try to keep it fairly regular but, given my chatterbox tendencies, I'll try to not go on too much!

I have a to-do list that's quite long at the moment. I've just finished a batch of songwriting and rewriting/tune writing commissions (more about those soon) so it's back to work on the album. I'll post more about how and why I decided to make an album in another post, but it's a major thing on my list! As are photos, the hosting rotas for The Ballad Room on Clubhouse, some new recordings for my Soundcloud, and I've got a batch of trad tunes to revisit for when I'm next up at Royal Trads in Sheffield. And that's without all the workshop/family/home stuff in the background! 

So I'd best crack on!

Bye for now

A violin on a table next to some sheet music

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